New Trumpcare: Even worse than before

All U.S. Senators

Mitch McConnell and Republicans keep drafting “new” versions of the same bad bill.

But the legislation still guts Medicaid. It is still likely to take healthcare away from about 20 million people. And it still provides massive tax breaks to health insurance corporations and Big Pharma.

Sign the petition right now and demand that the Senate reject Trumpcare, which will make people sicker and drive up out-of-pocket costs for millions of Americans

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To: All U.S. Senators
From: [Your Name]

The new Senate “healthcare” bill―known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act―still destroys Medicaid and takes healthcare coverage away from millions, just to give tax breaks to Big Pharma and health insurance corporations. Healthcare corporations will get $200 billion in tax breaks, while millions of Americans will be unable to afford coverage due to their pre-existing conditions. I urge you to vote NO on Trumpcare and protect the healthcare and financial security of millions of Americans.