Stop Jailing Those Telling The Truth

UK Attorney General, Richard Hermer KC

20 people are now imprisoned for nonviolent protest against fossil fuels.
Dr Patrick Hart, imprisoned for caring

Care-workers, teachers, students, grandparents and now doctors. The British state is unmasking itself in its repression of ordinary people telling truth to power. Dr Patrick Hart has been sentenced to 1 year in prison for taking part in direct action in 2022. He joins 19 others inside.

The oil and gas CEOs, corrupt politicians and lobbyists walk free. Unless the legal system starts protecting us from the oil industry and stops imprisoning nonviolent, ordinary people, the injustice will be repeated. Again and again.

“What happened to free speech? They were trying to protect our planet. They are not violent. They are despairing.” – Baroness Jenny Jones.

We have to put this right. Sign the petition and demand an end to the imprisonment of peaceful protesters.

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To: UK Attorney General, Richard Hermer KC
From: [Your Name]

We are living in the age of failing politicians and murderous lobbyists. They are committing the most deadly crime of our age; oil kills, and we all know it.

But in the cells today are brave, caring people, guilty only of resisting the fossil fuel industry that will kill millions unless stopped. The shocking truth is that our legal systems have failed to protect society. While ordinary people face years in prison, the real criminals walk free.

We cannot sit by. We demand the immediate end to the imprisonment of brave, nonviolent political prisoners, jailed for telling the truth and acting in resistance to continued extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal.