North Carolina Supports Clean Water

Sen. Richard Burr

In 1972, Congress passed the landmark Clean Water Act thanks to broad bipartisan support. North Carolina is home to some of the most beautiful lakes, rivers and ravines in the world. We must ensure that everyone in our beautiful state can enjoy our waterways, whether for fishing, swimming or just drinking.

Unfortunately, too many polluters are blatantly ignoring or circumventing these environmental laws meant to protect clean water. If you believe that the American people deserve safe drinking water, then sign our petition asking Sen. Richard Burr to support safeguards to the Clean Water Act.    

We cannot put the interest of polluters and their profits ahead of the American people. Our children and grandchildren deserve to live in a country that provides them with clean water.

Having clean and safe waterways should not be a partisan issue. Our politicians should be working to expand the Clean Water Act.

If you believe that the Clean Water Act should be stronger, then sign our petition.

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To: Sen. Richard Burr
From: [Your Name]

In 1972 Congress passed the Clean Water Act because of a broad coalition of bipartisan support. The impact on our waterways was almost immediate, with more Americans having access to safe and clean water.

But right now there are too many polluters that are circumventing and exploiting loopholes within the Clean Water Act in North Carolina. Having clean and safe waterways should not be partisan issue. We urge you to support stronger safeguards to the Clean Water Act.

All families, regardless of their zip code, deserve to have access to clean and safe drinking water. Do not put the interest of corporate polluters ahead of the American people.

The constituents of North Carolina call on you to reestablish the span of the Clean Water Act to ensure that all our waterways are protected.