Obama Administration: Show Us the TPP Text

President Obama's Administration

Trade representatives from the United States and 11 other countries are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)—this could be the largest trade agreement in U.S. history. The Obama administration still hasn’t released the text. This trade agreement will affect working people across the country, and we deserve to know what’s in the agreement before it’s finalized.

Add your name to sign the petition to President Barack Obama’s administration asking them to show us the TPP text.

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Washington, DC

To: President Obama's Administration
From: [Your Name]

Much is at stake and future trade agreements must take into account the voices of working women and men—not just extreme politicians and policies that benefit the rich and multinational corporations. Working families cannot afford a trade deal that makes it more difficult for working families to put food on the table. America cannot afford a trade deal that doesn’t ensure labor obligations are enforced, leaves public services on the table or allows non-TPP countries, like China, to benefit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Please honor our democracy and show us the TPP text now.