Officially endorse the Youth Strike 4 Climate
Brighton & Hove City Council

On Friday 15th February, young people from across Brighton & Hove took a bold move to ask for action on climate change. And on 15th March, we're doing it again.
Climate change is one of the most serious threats that we face. Young people, who will be most affected by this issue, have little political voice - with those under 18 unable to vote, and the number of young people in politics below the floor. We believe it is their right to strike to influence change.
The YouthStrike4Climate is the most hopeful movement we have and shows young people care and are willing to act which goes against the stereotypical view of young people which has persisted for too long.
It is time for the council to come out and publicly support the strikes and to not stifle this movement by remaining silent on the issue.
Brighton & Hove City Council has declared a climate emergency. But now they must commit to supporting young people and students who are demanding we take action on our climate crisis.
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We, the undersigned, support young people taking part in the recent YouthStrike4Climate and call upon Brighton and Hove City Council to officially endorse their actions.