Oppose HB 1228

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton spoke out against the discriminatory SB 101 that just passed in Indiana. And though Gov. Pence regrettably signed it into law, our fight is not over.

Right this minute, an equally horrendous "license to discriminate" bill -- HB 1228 -- is on Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson's desk, awaiting his signature.

Before she was Madame Secretary, before Senator, before First Lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton was First Lady of Arkansas. Her LGBTQ friends in Arkansas need her to step up and head off this pending disaster.

Despite incredible backlash in the state of Indiana, Gov. Hutchinson has foolishly pledged he will sign Arkansas' "license to discriminate" bill.

With over 60 anti-gay bills pending in state legislatures across the country, we need real leaders to step up and help us fight this backlash against recent marriage equality victories.

We need Hillary Clinton to publicly oppose this bill before it becomes law -- and before Arkansas follows in Indiana's footsteps.

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To: Hillary Clinton
From: [Your Name]

We need your help in heading off a disaster in Arkansas like the disaster that is currently unfolding in Indiana. Please come out publicly in opposition to Arkansas' religious discrimination bill, HB 1228.