Invest in Our Recovery
Massachusetts Elected Officials
Massachusetts Elected Officials
[Your Name]
I support the Invest in Our Recovery campaign led by the Raise Up Massachusetts Coalition and pledge to fight for all of its demands. As we look to relieve the economic damage that COVID-19 is causing for workers, families, and businesses, and to tackle racial inequities, we need a government response that rises to the needs of MY community and all our communities, which are greater than ever!
As one of the many lawmakers representing Massachusetts - and more directly as one of my elected officials - I urge you to side with this campaign in the choice you have before you.
Lawmakers like yourself will decide whether we enact deep budget cuts that drive us deeper into a recession that deepens racial and economic inequalities, OR whether we invest in public services that improve public health, grow our economy, and reduce racial inequality.
I strongly urge you to choose to invest in our recovery. Massachusetts can and should raise significant new revenue from profitable corporations and their shareholders this year to do just that.
There’s precedent here; we’ve done this before. During each of the last three recessions, MA lawmakers avoided deeper budget cuts by raising $1.1 billion to $2.5 billion in new revenue. Raising progressive revenue to avoid budget cuts is the best way to avoid prolonging a recession, and reduces racial inequities, especially when the new revenue is used to invest directly in Black and Brown communities.
Lawmakers like yourself can and should adopt common sense policies that ask profitable corporations and their wealthy shareholders to contribute more to our economic recovery, such as:
- Increasing the Tax Rate on Corporate Profits
- Tax Profits Shifted Overseas by Increasing the Tax Rate on GILTI (Global Intangible Low Taxed Income)
- Increase the Tax Rate that Investors Pay on Unearned Income
Thank you for your consideration and I hope to be able to call you an ally in this fight. For more information please visit: