Pass An Emergency Moratorium On No-Cause Evictions

Sacramento County Supervisors Sue Frost and Susan Peters

Evicting families for profit is just as unethical & reprehensible today as it will be after Jan 1st, 2020 when AB 1482, the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 goes into effect.

Unfortunately, we're seeing landlords that are trying to skirt the law by giving out 60-day no-fault eviction notices and unreasonable rent increase now. Some have even offered tenants "buy-out" deals.

We're urging Sacramento County to pass an Emergency Moratorium, also known as an Urgency Ordinance, on no-cause evictions and high rent increases until the bill goes into effect on January 1st, 2020.

Some of the worst landlords, lawyers and property management companies are actively encouraging landlords to act now, to the detriment of their tenants and families. We have reports across the county of entire buildings being evicted, causing even greater levels of homelessness and irreparable disruptions in the lives of hard-working Sacramentans.

Again, evicting families for profit is unethical and reprehensible and we must stop it. Urge Supervisors Sue Frost and Susan Peters to take action NOW! Please sign the petition and we will make sure it counts by letting them know on November 5, 2019 at the Board of Supervisor's meeting at 11:00 AM at 700 H Street, Sacramento CA 95814.

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To: Sacramento County Supervisors Sue Frost and Susan Peters
From: [Your Name]

We urge Supervisors Sue Frost and Susan Peters to take action NOW and pass an Urgency Ordinance to stop no-cause evictions and high rent increases in order to keep hard working families and your constituents in their homes.