Petition for Change at Asheville School

Asheville School Administration & Board of Trustees

As concerned Asheville School community members, both current and former, we demand justice for the sexual assault case of Agnes Hill (see here and here for more details) and acknowledgement of the existence of systemic issues related to the repeated mishandling of reported sexual assaults on campus.

As a community, we hold perseverance, integrity, respect, and compassion among our core values; with these in mind, and with love for our Asheville School community and concern for the safety of the students, we are compelled to act. A group of alumni have attempted to work with the school through official channels by forming a committee through the Asheville School Alumni Association to address these concerns, but the school refused to work with us (as detailed in the committee’s closing report). As such, we the undersigned pledge to withdraw our financial support, discourage families from enrolling, and draw public attention to this issue until either: a) the actions outlined below are satisfied, or b) the Chair of the Board (Walter G. Cox, Jr.) and the Head of School (Anthony Sgro) resign.

  1. A public acknowledgement of the school’s mishandling of this case. Specific actions that were not handled with appropriate care and sensitivity include: not interviewing the survivor in the manner of her choosing during the Title IX investigation; the manner in which the Hill family was informed of the outcome of the investigation; and the manner in which the administration has communicated with the faculty, students, parents, and alumni regarding this incident.

  2. An independent review of the incident and the school’s response, performed by an objective third party with experience and expertise in sexual violence and trauma. The selection process of the reviewer and the scope of the review itself should involve meaningful consultation with Asheville School faculty and alumni survivors of sexual violence. Upon its conclusion, the results of this review should be disclosed as transparently as possible.

  3. An apology to the Hill Family, an invitation to return to their place on campus if they so choose, and financial compensation for their lost income and suffering.

  4. A strong public statement condemning sexual violence and a commitment to treat any survivor of sexual violence with respect, integrity, and sensitivity

  5. The establishment of a thorough, unbiased, and clearly defined review process to handle any allegations of sexual abuse and other violent incidents in the future. This process, in lieu of or in addition to the Title IX process and including avenues of reporting sexual violence, must be clearly defined in the student handbook. Faculty and staff members who may be the first to hear reports of sexual violence must have relevant trauma-informed care training, and potential consequences for violent behavior must be clearly outlined.

To: Asheville School Administration & Board of Trustees
From: [Your Name]

As concerned Asheville School community members, both current and former, we demand justice for the sexual assault case of Agnes Hill and acknowledgement of the existence of systemic issues related to the repeated mishandling of reported sexual assaults on campus. As a community we hold perseverance, integrity, respect, and compassion among our core values; with these in mind, and with love for our Asheville School community and concern for the safety of the students, we are compelled to act. A group of alumni have attempted to work with the school through official channels by forming a committee through the Asheville School Alumni Association to address these concerns, but the school refused to work with us (as detailed in the committee’s closing report). As such, we the undersigned pledge to withdraw our financial support, discourage families from enrolling, and draw public attention to this issue until either: a) the actions outlined below are satisfied, or b) the Chair of the Board (Walter G. Cox, Jr.) and the Head of School (Anthony Sgro) resign.

1.) A public acknowledgement of the school’s mishandling of this case. Specific actions that were not handled with appropriate care and sensitivity include: not interviewing the survivor in the manner of her choosing during the Title IX investigation; the manner in which the Hill family was informed of the outcome of the investigation; and the manner in which the administration has communicated with the faculty, students, parents, and alumni regarding this incident.

2.) An independent review of the incident and the school’s response, performed by an objective third party with experience and expertise in sexual violence and trauma. The selection process of the reviewer and the scope of the review itself should involve meaningful consultation with Asheville School faculty and alumni survivors of sexual violence. Upon its conclusion, the results of this review should be disclosed as transparently as possible.

3.) An apology to the Hill Family, an invitation to return to their place on campus if they so choose, and financial compensation for their lost income and suffering.

4.) A strong public statement condemning sexual violence and a commitment to treat any survivor of sexual violence with respect, integrity, and sensitivity.

5.) The establishment of a thorough, unbiased, and clearly defined review process to handle any allegations of sexual abuse and other violent incidents in the future. This process, in lieu of or in addition to the Title IX process and including avenues of reporting sexual violence, must be clearly defined in the student handbook. Faculty and staff members who may be the first to hear reports of sexual violence must have relevant trauma-informed care training, and potential consequences for violent behavior must be clearly outlined.