Sign Petition! Stop depending on Russian Fossil Fuels!

The governments of Europe, on the European Union, on NATO members, on governments all over the world

A picture showing Ruslana, the woman in the video.

Governments shall Immediately work for a Peaceful Climate based on Renewable Freedom Energy

No more money for warmongers!

Stop paying for fossil and nuclear fuels and divert all financial flows into renewable energy, for peace and for climate! Enable a prosperous renewable freedom energy world, while mitigating, that is reduce, our climate emergency.

The world is shocked about Putin’s attack on its neighboring country Ukraine. Fossil Fuel energy dependence largely enables this aggression. Nuclear energy and uranium are also enabling this aggression. Would Putin dare this aggression without a continuous supply of nuclear materials? And the hazardous impact of nuclear energy is nowhere more clearly visible than in the country where the nuclear accident of Chernobyl happened.

The European Union alone spends annually more than 100 billion Euro (1) (2) (3) (4), (270 million Euro/day) for import of gas, oil and coal from Russia. This huge income has allowed Putin to create and maintain a huge military basis, the basis for the war against Ukraine.

Not only Ukraine, but also the European Union are now in an existential peace, energy and climate crisis. The EU has started to understand that it has lost its ability to act autonomously in terms of its energy supply, a backbone of its economies. We can reduce both our climate crisis and wars by mitigating, that is, move off Fossil Fuels.

Renewable Energy for Energy Independence, for Peace, for Freedom, for Prosperity and for a Healthy Climate and Environment.

As the science and the IPCC reports show we must Mitigate Fossil Fuel use! Adaptation is not enough!

#StandWithUkraine #PutinsWar #NoMoreMoneyForWarmongers #EndFossilFuels #MitigateFossilFuels #ListentotheScience

Initially by Ruslana Lyzhychko, famous Ukrainian singer, former European Song Contest winner, Maidan activist and Global100RE Ambassador for renewable energy. Ruslana Petition announcement video!

In collaboration with:
Hans-Josef Fell, former Member of the German Parliament @HJFell
Janine O'Keeffe active in FridaysforFuture @JanineClimate

Stefan Gsänger @stefangsaenger
Sabine Thie-Olliges @SabineClimate active in BreaksforFuture @BreaksforFuture
Tom active in FridaysforFuture @TomsTweeters

Please sign the petition on the right.


Action Network is a USA territorial based IT system.
Petition by
Stockholm, Sweden
Sponsored by

To: The governments of Europe, on the European Union, on NATO members, on governments all over the world
From: [Your Name]

In light of this fundamental human crisis, we underline: It is time to foster energy independence, freedom energy, to get rid of all one sided dependencies and enable every country, every community, every citizen to use the abundance of renewable, freedom energy which is accessible everywhere.

People want peace!
People want a good life!
People want to determine their own lives!
And people want to stop climate breakdown

A renewable energy future can provide all of this!

Accordingly, we call on the governments of Europe, on the European Union, on NATO members, on governments all over the world: Stop funding the extraction, importation and utilization of fossil and nuclear energy!

The goal must be to convert the energy supply to 100 % renewable energy NOW and at latest by 2030!

In particular, we require:
- immediate mitigation of fossil fuel consumption, wherever possible
- A massive citizen training and education program for Climate emergency.
- A massive training and education program for renewable energy jobs
- no more new oil and gas heating
- no more new fossil fuel drive cars
- massive investment in energy house renovation and new building standards, make 100% renewable energy the legal norm
- massive acceleration of renewable energy investment, removing legal and administrative barriers and allow in particular for community based investment
- focus on decentralized renewable energy utilization, including community energy and energy sharing for community resilience.
- a massive extension of public energy consulting services targeting businesses, municipalities, communities and consumers
- massive investment program in production facilities for renewable energy equipment, including in batteries, heat pumps, etc.
- an immediate stop of importing any Russian fossil energy resources.
- All unfreezing of Russian assets shall be converted into green bonds.

100% decentralized renewable energies globally by 2030 requires a new but international Apollo project – we are convinced that it is imperative, that it is achievable, and that it is the only way to bring peace and prosperity and to protect our climate! For Ukraine, for the whole Europe, for the Russian people and for the whole world!

Please sign the petition on the right.

Action Network is a USA territorial based IT system.