Protect our rights -- NO Article V Convention

State legislators

A major threat to our democracy is gaining serious traction -- thanks to secretive, wealthy special interest groups like the Koch-funded American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

Far-right groups are spending big and wielding their influence with state lawmakers, demanding that they vote to call an Article V Constitutional Convention. At this unprecedented event, unaccountable and unelected delegates could propose ANY amendments they want to our Constitution.

That could mean gutting environmental regulations... rolling back civil rights advances… or even shredding our First Amendment protections.

We need to show our lawmakers that we’re paying attention -- and that we won’t let them gamble with our rights. Add your name now to defend our Constitution.

To learn more about the dangers of an Article V Convention, visit

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Washington, DC

To: State legislators
From: [Your Name]

We the People will not allow unelected, unaccountable delegates to write their agenda into our Constitution. Our state lawmakers must stand firm -- and reject and rescind calls for an Article V Convention.