PVDSA Stands in Solidarity with MA Educators: We Demand Safe Schools!
Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
[Your Name]
We stand in solidarity with Massachusetts educators who are demanding that schools only re-open when they are safe--and not a second before. All over the country, schools are re-opening only to immediately have to close again, because of outbreaks of coronavirus. Our teachers, staff and students, their loved ones and the community at large should not be exposed to the virus just to fulfill illusory economic expectations that don't comport with real science, common sense, or social justice. People and our health must come first, always and without compromise.
We support the July 30 statement issued by the MTA's Board of Directors which states, in part, that "the districts and the state must demonstrate that health and safety conditions and negotiated public health benchmarks are met before buildings reopen" and emphasizes that access and safety measures must be equitable across all socioeconomic and racial backgrounds.
All schooling must be remote until school buildings are made totally safe for everyone, and DESE must comply with worker demands that time is provided for further planning and curricular redesigns as necessary.
Members and Associates of the Pioneer Valley Democratic Socialists of America