Sign Petition: Restore Protection for Wolves Now!
President Joseph R. Biden and US Interior Secretary Deb Haaland
Wolves across the Northern Rockies are again being persecuted under state management. In Idaho, wolves are dying in traps, neck snares, being hunted in night raids, and with hunting hounds. They are even killing nursing pups and mothers in their dens. Entire packs are being destroyed. This is not hunting, it’s brutal extermination. The State of Montana is allowing hunters to bait wolves from Yellowstone National Park and kill them after they step across the unseen border. Already, more than 20 members of Yellowstone’s iconic wolf packs and hundreds more have been killed. Bounties of up to $2500 are being paid in Idaho and $1000 in Montana by state and private organizations to incentivize the killing of wolves. Lucrative bounties like this are not offered for any other species in any other state.
It is time for Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to put a stop to this ruthless destruction of wolves and emergency list the Northern Rockies wolves under the Endangered Species Act. Please take action to restore vital protection to prevent the eradication of wolves from states that are unable or unwilling to manage wolves responsibly.
President Joseph R. Biden and US Interior Secretary Deb Haaland
[Your Name]
Please Act Now to Save America's Wolves!
We are writing to ask you to help save the wolves in the Northern Rockies and Yellowstone National Park. We care deeply about the plight of wolves in the northern Rockies are again being persecuted under state authority. In Idaho, wolves are dying in traps, snares, being hunted in night raids and with hunting hounds and even the killing of nursing pups and mothers in their dens. Entire packs are being destroyed. This is not hunting, it’s brutal extermination. The State of Montana is allowing hunters to bait wolves from Yellowstone National Park and kill them after they step across the unseen border. Already, more than 20 members of Yellowstone’s iconic wolf packs and hundreds more have been killed. Their goal is to kill most of the wolves in the region. Bounties of up to $2500 are being paid in Idaho and $1000 in Montana by state and private organizations to incentivize more killing of wolves. Lucrative bounties like this are not offered for any other species in any other state.
Wolves need to regain the protection of the Endangered Species Act now! Please take action to restore vital protection to prevent the eradication of wolves from states that are unable or unwilling to manage wolves responsibly. They need solid science-based management not biased and politically driven persecution.
There is no excuse for the persecution of wolves in our country. Wolves are an essential species in helping to maintain healthy elk and deer herds by culling diseased animals and encouraging dispersal of large herds into smaller herds that are more sustainable to their habitat. Livestock losses to wolves remain low - less than 1 percent of cattle in wolf range are lost to wolves - and there are highly effective nonlethal deterrents that provide better protection for sheep, cattle, and wolves.
These states are weakening their state wolf management plans to the point they are no longer sufficient to protect wolves from eradication. You can restore their protection under the Endangered Species Act before it is too late. Please act now. Our nation's wolves must be protected from this Old West approach that is nothing more than an archaic and brutal campaign to eradicate wolves once again.