Safe Staffing Now at UCHealth!

Elizabeth Concordia, CEO and President of UCHealth

We call on you to solve the staffing crisis at UCHealth now. Workers are at the breaking point. Nearly one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, our staffing is persistently unsafe. Healthcare workers, patients and community members are at greater risk when we do not have proper staffing. We are calling on UCHealth leadership to work with employees, state lawmakers, and community members to set and meet safe staffing levels.

Twenty-one states currently address health care staffing in law or regulations but Colorado is not one of them. UCHealth has attained one of the highest profit margins in the country. Executives should use all available resources to set the highest standards in staffing. Instead, often only the bare minimum staffing exists.

There is unprecedented turnover at UCHealth in many job titles. Every American health care institution needs to commit to significant changes to ensure our current crisis ends faster and is not repeated. Sign our petition calling on UCHealth for immediate measures to improve staffing throughout the system, including addressing compensation, benefits and workload for frontline workers in an effort to attract and retain staff. This petition will be shared after reaching 1000 signatures.

Petition by
Denver, Colorado

To: Elizabeth Concordia, CEO and President of UCHealth
From: [Your Name]

We call on you to do more to ensure adequate and safe staffing levels at UCHealth facilities. The pandemic has only brought to light long-standing inadequacies in our staffing levels and ratios. As the demands for care increase, frontline workers are burning out at alarming rates.

We call on you and your team to implement immediate, dramatic efforts to invest in the retention of experienced staff and address longstanding concerns with compensation and workload. Workers can provide the best care available only with adequate and safe staffing.

UCHealth should be a leader and take urgent and extraordinary measures to retain frontline staff. The money is there; spend it on the people who make UCHealth work. Value employees’ dedication and sacrifice with compensation and reasonable workloads and they will continue to deliver excellent care and help patients live extraordinarily.