Sign if you agree: We need caps on prescription drug costs


Hedge fund billionaire Martin Shkreli recently bought Taraprim (a 62-year-old drug that treats babies with parasites and AIDS patients), and immediately raised the price from less than $20 per tablet to $750.

Incredibly, he went on to claim that the drug is still under-priced.

This is pure greed, plain and simple. We need regulations in place to stop pharmaceutical companies from gouging the public especially on life-treating drugs.

As part of her campaign platform, Hillary Clinton has proposed a $250 monthly cap on prescription drug costs. It's a good idea.

Sign if you agree: We need caps on prescription drug costs.

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To: Congress
From: [Your Name]

What hedge fund billionaire Martin Shkreli did is despicable, disgusting and outrageous. No pharmaceutical company should be allowed to gouge customers like that. I strongly support a monthly cap on prescription drug costs.