Sign Now: Stop Paul Ryan from destroying Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security

U.S. Congress

The Republican tax scam would add at least $1 trillion to our national debt, just to provide massive tax breaks to wealthy donors and big corporations.

This will be used as an excuse by the right to turn around and cut our earned benefits.

Speaker Paul Ryan just said, “We're going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform.”

Social Security Works is fighting back!

Sign the petition to all members of Congress demanding that they reject a tax plan that cuts Medicare, and that they stop their war on seniors and working families.

To: U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

No one voted last November to cut our earned benefits. And yet the Senate-passed tax plan would trigger $400 billion in automatic cuts to Medicare. We demand that you reject this disastrous tax plan, which is just the first step toward destroying Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.