SIGN & SHARE: Every Republican who voted to sell our privacy rights should release their browsing histories

Republicans in the U.S. House & Senate

The House of Representatives voted to do away with privacy protections that stopped internet service providers (ISPs) from selling your private data to the highest bidder. This followed the bill passing through the Senate last week.

In both cases only Republicans voted to get rid of privacy protections while Democrats voted to protect consumer rights.

Since Republicans in both the Senate and House clearly have no problems with big companies like Comcast and Verizon and Charter selling your private data to the highest bidder, they should have no problems with releasing their private data to the public.

Sign the petition: We demand that every single Republican who voted to sell their constituents' data to release their own personal browsing histories.

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To: Republicans in the U.S. House & Senate
From: [Your Name]

We demand that every single Republican who voted to sell their constituents' data to release their own personal browsing histories.