Sign the petition to President Biden: Focus on saving the USPS. This MUST be your first step

President Joe BIden

The Postal Service belongs to the American people. It is one of the oldest, most unifying and inclusive institutions in our country. But we continue to grapple with MAJOR, INTENTIONAL delays at the hand of a Trump hold over Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.

DeJoy acted swiftly to undercut the Postal Service after taking office, enacting multiple policies to deliberately slow the mail and plans to continue to undermine deliveries and raise postal rates.

And now, it has been reported that one of his Postal Board champions has entered into questionable financial agreements with him.

The Postal Board of Governors is the boss of the Postmaster General. They hire and fire the postmaster, review all practices of the post office, and oversee policies for the postal service.

Sitting board members have expressed hesitancy in firing DeJoy, so we must ensure we have a board who will work towards restoring the USPS.

One sitting board member, Ron Bloom, has served on the Board of Governors since August 2019, appointed by Trump and to serve the remainder of a seven-year term that expired Dec. 8, 2020. He is currently in a hold-over year and can be replaced by Biden. And it has just come to light that he has, in fact, been in financial agreements with DeJoy. This is shady to say the least!

This can be remedied, and we can save the USPS by removing DeJoy. But first, Biden must remove DeJoy’s accomplices on the US Board of Governors.

We must demand that President Biden immediately replace Bloom -- who has now been exposed as a business colleague of DeJoy -- so we can get to work fixing the USPS.

Sign the petition to President Biden: Replace Ron Bloom on the USPS Board of Governors and fire Louis DeJoy!

Participating Organizations:
Alliance for Retired Americans
APWU Local 7027
BOLD ReThink
California Clean Money Action Fund
Civic Shout
Cleveland Jobs with Justice
Daily Kos
The Juggernaut Project
More Perfect Union
The People United
Progress America

To: President Joe BIden
From: [Your Name]

You must do everything you can in order to restore our U.S. Postal Service. Ron Bloom is in a hold-over year and you have the opportunity to install someone who will work to rid the USPS of the sabotage from within and bring it back to a serviceable institution. I am calling on you to replace Ron Bloom and help save the USPS.