Sign the Second Declaration of Independence

White House and U.S. Congress

Our nation began with a rebellion against a king.  

But today, we protect Saudi Arabia’s monarchy and other nondemocratic governments that violate human rights. Let's declare independence and end our alliances with these repressive governments.

Sign the Second Declaration of Independence.

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Washington, DC

To: White House and U.S. Congress
From: [Your Name]

We the American People demand an end to our government's alliances with the kings, dictators, and apartheid rulers of the Middle East.

More than 200 years ago, this nation began with a rebellion against a king. But despite our own history and ongoing struggles for freedom, we are now allied with the world's most brutal monarchy -- the corrupt family that rules Saudi Arabia.

Indeed, our government is now a military ally and source of protection for every king across the Middle East. Not only that, but our elected officials have given billions of our tax dollars to the apartheid rulers of Israel and the dictators that have crushed Egypt.

These brutal governments steal the wealth and land of the people they control. They jail their critics and slaughter those who refuse to bend to their will. Meanwhile, our own government sells them our weapons, protects them with our soldiers, and hands them our people's wealth.

We the American People demand that our government break its brutal alliances with these oppressive rulers. We declare our independence from these tyrannical governments, so that the people they control face one less obstacle in their own struggles to be free.