Stand up for Child Care and Early Education / Defiende el cuidado infantil y la educación temprana

DC Council

Dear Friend,

The District's elected officials are reimagining life in the city after COVID. Will you join our fight to prioritize the importance of equitable early education, health services for younger residents, and fair wages for those whose profession it is to educate and assist them?
We are asking the DC Council to make this commitment by investing $60 million in ongoing, local funds to support child care.

Working families need and deserve affordable, high-quality child care, but for many in the District, it is out of reach. There are not enough child care seats for families, and the cost of care is similar to a year in college. We need to do more to help families in distress.

For teachers and child care providers, the situation is not good either. Before the pandemic, many did not earn enough money to cover all their costs, and the case during the pandemic has worsened. Without public resources that would help cover the true cost of raising and caring for children, which would also help raise salaries for teachers who only earn the minimum wage, the situation is only going to get worse.

Essential families and workers deserve more. We need a child care industry that is safe, affordable, easy to find, and thriving that allows parents to return to work, that children have a safe place to learn and grow, and that gives teachers a chance to earn a decent salary.

Justice and stability matter.

Sign this petition to tell your councilmembers that a thriving early education sector is vital to the prosperity and well-being of the District.

There is power in numbers, but more importantly, there is power in raising YOUR voice.

Join us!
Ruqiyyah Anbar-Shaheen
Director of Early Childhood
Under 3 DC Coalition

Queride Amige,

Los oficiales elegidos del Distrito están reimaginando la vida después de COVID. Únete a nuestra lucha para priorizar la educación temprana equitativa, servicios de salud para los residentes más jóvenes, y salarios justos para quienes los cuidan y ayudan.

Estamos pidiendo que el consejo de DC se comprometa a otorgar $60 millones recurrentes locales para apoyar al cuidado infantil.
Las familias trabajadoras merecen y necesitan cuidado infantil de alta calidad y asequible, pero para muchas familias en el Distrito, está fuera de alcance. No hay suficiente espacio en los centros de cuidado para acomodar a todas las familias que necesitan esos servicios, y el costo de cuidado es similar a un año en la universidad. Necesitamos hacer más para ayudar a familias que sufren por no tener acceso a estos servicios.

Para maestros y proveedores de cuidado infantil, la situación tampoco es ideal. Antes de la pandemia, muchos no ganaban suficiente dinero para cubrir todos sus costos, y ahora la situación se ha empeorado. Sin recursos públicos que ayudarían a cubrir el costo real de criar y cuidar a niños y también aumentaron los salarios de maestros que solo ganan el sueldo mínimo, la situación solo empeorará.

Las familias y trabajadores esenciales merecen más apoyo. Necesitamos una industria de cuidado infantil que sea segura, fácil de encontrar, de bajo costo, y exitosa para que las familias puedan regresar a trabajar, que los niños tengan un lugar donde puedan aprender y crecer, y que ayude a los maestros a aumentar sus salarios.

La justicia y estabilidad son importantes.

Firme esta petición para decirle al concejal de su zona que un sector de cuidado infantil exitoso es importante para la prosperidad y bienestar del Distrito.

Hay poder en números, pero aún más importante, el poder es tuyo cuando alzas tu voz.

Ruqiyyah Anbar-Shaheen
Director of Early Childhood
Under 3 DC Coalition

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To: DC Council
From: [Your Name]

As you and other District elected officials reimagine life in the city after COVID, will you commit to prioritizing equitable early education and health access for our youngest residents and fair wages for the early learning professionals who educate and support them?

We are asking you to make this commitment by investing $ 60 million in recurring, local funds to help raise wages for educators and bring down the cost for families.

Working families need and deserve accessible and affordable quality child care, but it is simply out of reach for too many across the District. There is a shortage of child care slots for families, and the average cost of care is as expensive as a year of college. We need to do more to support struggling families.

For child care providers and educators, the situation is not any better. Before the pandemic, many struggled to make ends meet, and the case has only gotten worse. Without resources to cover the true cost of caring for children and raise wages for educators who barely earn the minimum wage, the situation will only get worse.

Families and essential workers deserve better. We need an accessible, affordable, safe and thriving child care sector that enables parents to return to work, children a safe place to learn and grow, and providers and educators a chance to earn a decent wage.

That’s why we are calling on you to fully fund and implement DC’s historic Birth-to-Three for All law so we can promote a thriving early learning sector and an equitable future for the District's children.

Thank you for joining the fight to ensure a thriving early learning sector and an equitable future for the District's children.