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Stand with Canadian Transit Workers

Target: The Cabinet Committee on the federal response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

The ATU International and ATU Canada are asking for the Cabinet Committee on the federal response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) to stand with transit workers and provide the highest level possible of direct emergency funding to public transit agencies. This funding is essential to maintain strategic service levels that maximize social distancing and ensure transportation for essential workers, to purchase personal protective equipment for transit workers, and to protect their jobs and livelihoods throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Please take immediate action by entering your name, address, and postal code. Your letter is already written. All you have to do is hit SEND.

To: The Cabinet Committee on the federal response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
From: [Your Name]

We, the transit professionals in mass public transit, over the road buses, maintenance, bus operations, paratransit, train and subways, are providing quality transportation to the people of Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been working around the clock during this crisis to deliver public transit for essential service workers on the frontlines. As transit professionals, we are acutely aware of the critical role we play in guaranteeing unrestricted access to mobility for emergency service providers, healthcare professionals, and grocery and retail workers.

We are maintaining service, but we have urgent priorities that need to be addressed with emergency funding for our agencies. These priorities include personal protective equipment for transit workers, additional leave for anyone affected by the virus, fare elimination to support social distancing, rear door boarding and ensuring furloughed transit workers are compensated and have jobs to return to when our economy restarts.

We stand together to urge the Government of Canada to provide dedicated operating funding to public transit agencies in Canada. We are united to help our community amid the pandemic and we are united in our call for federal operating subsidies to make these important investments in front line transit workers.

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