Stop CVE at UIC: End Surveillance of Muslim Communities

UIC Community

We demand that the University of Illinois at Chicago immediately halt the activities related to Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) on its campus and respond to our asks in this petition.

What prompted this petition?

  • UIC receiving problematic CVE funding to research and racially profile Muslims

  • UIC arresting community members who peacefully protested UIC’s involvement in CVE at the October 27th event in the Department of Psychiatry

  • UIC’s lack of response to both of these actions that violate university ethics and create an unsafe environment for Muslim students

What do we want?

We demand that the administration deliver a response immediately to our concerns and asks related to the CVE program at UIC. The CVE program is harmful to Muslims and communities of color. We will not tolerate this kind of violence inflicted upon us and our communities.

  1. We ask the UIC administration to drop all charges immediately against the community members who were protesting this harmful program at UIC.

  2. We demand the administration come up with necessary steps to make UIC a real sanctuary campus for all, which involves halting all CVE-related research and academic partnerships that racially profile and tear down communities of color, and predominantly Muslim communities.

  3. We ask that the administration re-evaluate its ethics to ensure that all research projects that directly affect and potentially harm people of color are reviewed by constituents from the targeted group. Specifically, we ask that one faculty member and one student be placed on any IRB committee affecting research on Muslim students, Arab students, and/or connected to CVE (including rebranded research on “building resilience” or “targeted violence prevention”), with the first faculty and student representatives chosen by this Coalition to Stop CVE at UIC.

Click the links below for more information on the problems with CVE programs, UIC’s involvement in CVE, the October 27 arrest of peaceful protestors, and the impact on Muslim students.

If you want to know more about CVE, go to and follow #stopCVE on social media. If you would like to participate in action related to stopping CVE at UIC and Chicago, please leave your name, and email address here and the Coalition to Stop CVE at UIC will be in touch with you soon. #StopCVEatUIC

Petition by

To: UIC Community
From: [Your Name]

We demand that the administration deliver a response immediately to our concerns and asks related to the CVE program at UIC. The CVE program is harmful to Muslims and communities of color. We will not tolerate this kind of violence inflicted upon us and our communities.

1. We ask the UIC administration to drop all charges immediately against the community members who were protesting this harmful program at UIC.

2. We demand the administration come up with necessary steps to make UIC a real sanctuary campus for all, which involves halting all CVE-related research and academic partnerships that racially profile and tear down communities of color, and predominantly Muslim communities.

3. We ask that the administration re-evaluate its ethics to ensure that all research projects that directly affect and potentially harm people of color are reviewed by constituents from the targeted group. Specifically, we ask that one faculty member and one student be placed on any IRB committee affecting research on Muslim students, Arab students, and/or connected to CVE (including rebranded research on “building resilience” or “targeted violence prevention”), with the first faculty and student representatives chosen by this Coalition to Stop CVE at UIC.