Heidi Mottram CBE - CEO of Northumbrian Water
The river Browney rises the west of Durham, gathering water from the Deerness as it passes through Langley Moor near our beloved Holliday Park, before flowing eastwards into the Wear near Sunderland Bridge
The Browney regularly floods into Holiday Park as this forms part of the natural flood catchment. On the 17th March this year, community volunteers litter picked the park after flood water had receded. We were horrified to discover condoms and sanitary towel applicators as well as raw sewage deposited by the receding water. Northumbrian Water have been releasing raw sewage into the River Browney for many years and the level of sewage released has increased.
Environment Agency data show that rivers in the North are the worst affected in the country and the River Browney had raw sewage released on 2,255 occasions during 2023. This has resulted in a dis-appearance of Salmonids from the river, and without these fish, Kingfishers and Otters will soon follow.
To make matters even more concerning, children play in the River Browney at the various beaches alongside Holiday Park believing the water to be clean.
Northumbrian Water must stop their disgusting practices for the sake of people and nature.
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Heidi Mottram CBE - CEO of Northumbrian Water
[Your Name]
Hello Heidi Motram,
We are disgusted that you are releasing raw sewage into the River Browney that flows through Holiday Park. Children play in the river at the beaches off Holiday Park and volunteers litter pickers have collected tampon applicators, sanitary towels and observed human sewage. This must stop.
We call on you to completely stop the release of untreated sewage into the Browney within 5 years.