Tired of watching Milwaukee Public School funding handed over to private charter operators?

To Candidates and Voters in the Milwaukee School Board Races

We need to support public school champions and we must be ready to do what it takes. Please sign the petition to send a clear message to candidates and sitting board members that you demand our school board work on behalf of MPS students – not for private charter school operators. We need a school board that works to ensure our students have the public schools they deserve.

Marva Herndon is running for school board in District 1. Marva is a lifelong education activist, parent, and MPS graduate. She has fought for our public education for decades and firmly opposes efforts to send even more resources to private schools at the expense of our students. Educators and parents trust Marva because she has always fought for what’s right.

Erika Siemsen is running for school board in District 2. Erika is a 31-year MPS Teacher at Neeskara Elementary, the same school she attended as a child. She has recently come under attack by school privatizers from the voucher and private charter industry. Contrary to the privatizers’ lies, Erika has spent her career committed to MPS and sent her children to MPS schools.

Erika is facing incumbent school board member Wendell Harris, who was initially elected on promises to support our public schools and oppose privatization. Unfortunately, Harris turned his back on MPS families by voting to give away half of Pulaski High School to a private charter school. Since, he has come out fully in support of vouchers and private charters and has accepted thousands of dollars in contributions from Republicans who helped fund Scott Walker’s campaigns. He also accepted an illegal $5,000 PAC contribution from the school privatization group Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce (MMAC).

Sequanna Taylor is running for school board in District 3. Sequanna is a proud MPS parent and graduate. She is also an MPS educational assistant who works with our children every day. Sequanna has a track record of fighting for our communities as a member of the Milwaukee County Board. Educators, students, and parents trust Sequanna because she is in our schools and committed to fighting for the schools our students deserve.

Megan O’Halloran is running for school board in District 8. Megan is a parent to two MPS students at Cooper Elementary, a community leader and a former PTA leader. She is a social justice activist and is committed to offering a great public school to every child. Megan is a proven champion of public education and will fight for the public schools our students deserve as a member of the school board.

Megan’s opponent, Kathryn Gabor, has accepted a $1,200 campaign contribution from Gus Ramirez, the founder of Augustine Preparatory Academy, a voucher school that takes resources directly from our public schools. Our students school board members that work for them, not one that is beholden to school privatizers.

Bob Peterson is running for school board in the citywide race. Bob was an MPS teacher for 30 years. He helped found La Escuela Fratney, Wisconsin’s first two-way bilingual school, and is a founding editor of Rethinking Schools Magazine, known worldwide for its work toward equity and justice in education. Bob has dedicated his life to the fight for justice so our students have the public schools and services they deserve, regardless of their zip code.

Bob faces Stef Dugan, another candidate who has been propped up and showered in campaign cash by deep-pocketed Republican donors and private voucher and charter school operators.

On April 2, Milwaukee our public schools are on the ballot. Sign the petition and let your elected officials know you support strong public schools!

To: To Candidates and Voters in the Milwaukee School Board Races
From: [Your Name]

Milwaukee School Board Directors should understand public dollars belong in public schools, not private, unaccountable voucher and charter schools. Candidates running for our school board should be working for the taxpayers, students, and families of Wisconsin, not private third-party operators! We need public school champions for MPS!