The Boston Jewish Community Condemns Passover Deportations

Yehuda Yaakov, Consul General of Israel to New England

"You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt" - Exodus 23:9

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To: Yehuda Yaakov, Consul General of Israel to New England
From: [Your Name]

The Torah commands us 36 times to care for the stranger. As Jews we have so often been strangers; the horrors of roundups and deportations permeate our history and inform our identity. The experiences of our people compel us to resist all those who inflict such human rights violations today and to stand in solidarity with those who face them. That is why the Boston Jewish community is united in opposition to Israel's plan to deport 40,000 African refugees to Rwanda beginning April 1st, the 3rd night of Passover.

The holiday of Passover commemorates our people's flight from bondage and violence across the Sinai desert from Egypt to Israel. This is the exact journey made by these refugees from Sudan and Eritrea, seeking sanctuary from war, famine, and forced labor. Now the Israeli government is giving them an unimaginable choice on April 1st: accept deportation to Rwanda or be imprisoned indefinitely.

The Boston Jewish community has been outspoken in condemning ICE's racist campaign of terror and expulsion by force against undocumented communities of color in the US. Our values now compel us to equally condemn the Israeli government's racist campaign of terror and expulsion by force against undocumented African refugees in Israel.

These deportations are inhumane and betray core Jewish values. We demand an explanation from you as the official representative of the Israeli government in Boston.

UPDATE: **As a result of public pressure in Israel and the US, the deportations have now been delayed until April 9th, two days after Passover ends. Postponing the deportations by 8 days does not make them any more acceptable, and we will continue to vigorously oppose them.**