Stop The Hedge Fund Billionaires' Hostile Takeover Of Our Public Schools

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver

Seven weeks before the 2014 election, before a single vote had been cast, a group of ten hedge fund billionaires bought the New York State Senate. And it was a bargain: all of $4.3 million dollars, spent on a new custom-built PAC, "New Yorkers for a Balanced Albany". All told, these hedge fund managers poured over $10 million in lobbying and electioneering last year.

That's chump change for Wall Street tycoons, but what they want in return could cost our kids dearly. They want to privatize public education in New York. Their tool: charter schools. Their mark? Our kids. 

Charter schools do only one thing well: move public dollars into private pockets no matter how much damage this does to New York students. 

The Senate won't stop the Wall Street Ten. Neither will Governor Cuomo – he's also on the payroll. That leaves the Assembly.

Take action now, before it's too late.

The Speaker and his legislative caucus must stop this hostile takeover of our public schools before the damage is done. Tell them to keep Wall Street out of our schools!

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To: Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver
From: [Your Name]

Dear Speaker Silver,
it is imperative for New York's public schools and the investment they make in our kids, in our future, that the Assembly stop the hostile takeover of New York's public schools. Public education can't be bought and sold like a ripe banana and we need you to stand up for our kids!
Our public schools are not for sale and our kids' education is not just another commodity to plundered. We are asking you to stand up for public education in New York and against the hedge fund billionaires attempt to buy both our democracy and turn another tidy profit on our children's future.