Stop the Massive Public School Closures in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello

The people living in Puerto Rico, including your AFSA brothers and sisters, have experienced devastation through Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and they are still coping with the aftereffects of the horrible storms today.

Instead of providing stability at this time of need, by investing in and strengthening public schools in Puerto Rico, Governor Ricardo Rossello and his education Secretary, Julia Keleher, are using this time of crisis as a reason to close 283 public schools. This is in addition to the 167 schools that have already been closed at the end of 2017.

Under this plan, schools will be closed that will force students to travel long distances to receive the education they need. In addition, the plan will divert much needed resources away from public schools to private and charter schools.

That is why we must stand with them and elevate their voice.

Please take a moment to stand with your brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico and sign this petition and tell Governor Rossello and Secretary Keleher that you stand with the people of Puerto Rico, and that you oppose their plan to close the massive school closures.

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To: Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello
From: [Your Name]

We oppose the plan to close 283 public schools in Puerto Rico. We do not support any plan that will divert much needed resources away from public schools to private and charter schools. We stand with the students, educators and community of Puerto Rico and will fight against the massive public school closings.