Support Justice for Timor- Leste #justice4Timor
Governments of the United States, Australia, China, Great Britain, France, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, and Russia

It is never too late for justice! It is never too late to end impunity! 2019 was 20th anniversary of Timor-Leste's historic referendum on independence. Although the Timorese people are free from foreign occupation, they have yet to see justice for the countless crimes they suffered at the hands of the U.S.-backed Indonesian security forces.
Since the vote, a few limited justice processes have occurred. Investigations by the UN, Timor-Leste, and others have affirmed the right of the people of Timor-Leste and the international community to seek justice for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed between 1975 and 1999. ETAN and others have long called for an international tribunal to be created to prosecute those most responsible for ordering and assisting in massive rights violations – that killed about one-quarter of Timor-Leste’s people – and included rape, torture, disappearances, and forced displacement.
Fourteen years ago, Timor-Leste's Reception, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR) final report (Chega!) made a number of recommendations to countries that supported in Indonesia’s invasion and occupation of Timor-Leste. It also called for the United Nations to be prepared to institute an International Tribunal pursuant to Chapter VII of the UN Charter should other measures be deemed to have failed to deliver a sufficient measure of justice and Indonesia persists in the obstruction of justice. This is clearly the case.
Find more information, see:
see our Take Action on the 20th Anniversary of Timor-Leste’s Historic Referendum on Independence
Photo: March for justice in Timor-Leste. By Karen Orenstein/ETAN #justice4timor
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Governments of the United States, Australia, China, Great Britain, France, Indonesia, Japan, Portugal, and Russia
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We urge you to respond to and implement the recommendations of the Reception, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR), including the call for the establishment of an international tribunal to try those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the people of Timor-Leste during Indonesia’s invasion and occupation