Support Portillo's workers!

Michael Osanloo - President & CEO at Portillo's

Workers at Portillo's Addison production plant voted to form a union on April 13, 2023 and are now members of Iron Workers Local 853. Many workers have worked at the company for decades, enduring dismal wages, inaccessible healthcare, and poor working conditions.  

During the organizing campaign, Portillo's management made several overt attempts to intimidate workers, including positioning a manager in the break room, forcing workers to attend anti-union captive audience meetings, and placing a manager on the production line.

Additionally, Portillo's management told workers that it has no intentions to ever successfully bargain a contract with the workers. They cited the company's deep pockets to hire expensive lawyers to stall negotiations, such that, ultimately no agreement would be reached.

Despite ALL of these attacks, the workers prevailed! With their vote to join a union, the workers have spoken!

The workers are demanding that Portillo's drop all of their threats, lies, and intimidating tactics. The workers are demanding that the company show them respect, bargain in good faith, and reach an agreement as soon as possible.

The workers are proud of the product they make and that Chicagoland loves Portillo's food! The workers are proud that the 60 year-old company is a billion dollar business, with plans to grow from 60 stores to 600 over the next decade. The time has come for the company to share the wealth that their loyal workers created.

The Addison Portillo's workers need your support. Let's tell the company that Portillo's customers are watching management's response to the union election. Let's tell the company to stop their shenanigans. Let's support the Portillo's workers in getting a fair contract as quickly as possible.

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Washington, DC

To: Michael Osanloo - President & CEO at Portillo's
From: [Your Name]

Dear Portillo's management and Mr. Osanloo,

I stand with the workers at Portillo's Food Service in Addison.
With their votes to form a union, the workers have spoken and now deserve a fair contract.

Portillo's is a beloved brand in Chicagoland.
Good union contracts are what built Chicago to be a world class city.
Portillo's workers deserve a good union contract.

I stand with the Portillo's workers in their demand that you cease all illegal activity against the workers immediately.
I stand with the Portillo's workers in their demand that you bargain in good faith and reach a fair contract as soon as possible!