Support Union Organizing through Card Check

Vermont State Legislators, Gov. Phil Scott

While a majority of workers in the U.S. would like to join a union, they must overcome substantial barriers to coming together and winning union certification.

In order to join a union, workers must first collect “authorization cards” from people who are in the defined bargaining unit, that state that those people want to join a union.

Once a majority of workers in the bargaining unit have signed cards indicating they want to join the union, they must prove their support a second time through an election overseen by the Labor Board. It can take many months, and sometimes even years after the union has achieved majority support, to hold the election.

During this time, the employer has free reign to use promises, threats and other means to pressure workers to abandon the union. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to have a fair election.

What is Card Check & how would it help workers

When “Card Check” is the law, once workers in a public sector bargaining unit have collected a majority of support cards from the workers in that unit, then those workers will be allowed to join the union without an election process. The union will be recognized as having achieved a majority of support through the cards being signed.

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To: Vermont State Legislators, Gov. Phil Scott
From: [Your Name]

Unions are important to both the economy and to democracy. Workers who are organized into a union are more likely to vote in elections and speak up at work to resolve issues, such as workplace safety. Union members also advocate for rights for all workers, so they can be safe at work, keep themselves healthy and provide for their families.

Once Card Check is the law, workers in a public sector bargaining unit will have a recognized union once a majority of employees have joined the union by signing a union membership card. H.428/S.36 will make it more difficult for employers to use their power to dissuade workers from organizing their union.

Please support H.428/S.36, Card Check which will protect public sector workers’ right to organize.