Susan Collins

Susan Collins has voted to confirm almost every one of Trump’s nearly 200 judges, and one of the judges she supported cast the deciding vote to kill a key provision of the Affordable Care Act and put the entire law at risk. Now the ACA’s fate lies with the Supreme Court and its two newest right-wing members who also earned Collins' support.

She likes to talk a big game about being an independent moderate, but when it comes to helping Trump stack the courts with judges who will do his bidding and jeopardize our health care, she falls in line.

Susan Collins doesn’t think there will be consequences for confirming Trump’s right-wing ideologues and corporate judges — people who will remain in power decades after Trump leaves the White House. We need to show her that we’re watching, and we care.

Add your name to tell Susan Collins to oppose Trump’s judges and stop putting our health care on the line.

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To: Susan Collins
From: [Your Name]

You voted to confirm almost every one of Trump’s nearly 200 judges, and now the future of the Affordable Care Act — and health care coverage for millions of Americans — is at risk.

Oppose Trump’s judges and stop putting health care on the line.