TAKE ACTION: Congress can still save Net Neutrality

United States Congress

Trump’s Federal Communications Commission has decided to repeal Net Neutrality in a 3-2 vote.

Without these vital protections of the free and open internet, big companies like Comcast and Verizon will have total power over what we can see or do online.

Unless we take action, internet service providers (ISPs) will be able to charge you extra fees to access your favorite sites, limit your access speeds, and block you from visiting sites they don’t want you to see.

Under the Congressional Review Act (CRA), Congress has the power to quickly repeal the FCC’s decision -- and we’re demanding they use it to reverse FCC Chairman Pai’s attack on the free and open internet.

Pressuring Congress to use the CRA is the fastest way we can restore the critical internet protections that Pai wants to kill. He didn’t listen when millions of people across the country submitted comments to the FCC, made phone calls to Congress, and showed up at protests and rallies nationwide to keep Net Neutrality.

Join us in calling on Congress to restore the free and open internet and reject Pai’s plan to give corporations more control over what we do and say online.

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Washington, DC

To: United States Congress
From: [Your Name]

Pass a CRA resolution to restore the free and open internet and reject Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to give corporations more control over what we do and say online.