Tell Ben & Jerry's CEO: Get pesticides out of your ice cream. Go Organic!

Ben & Jerry’s CEO Jostein Solheim (aka Scooper Man)

Wow. Ten of 11 samples of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream tested positive for glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s dangerous Roundup herbicide.

The ice cream brand claims its social mission “seeks to meet human needs and eliminate the injustices in our local, national and international communities,” and that its focus is “on children and families, the environment and sustainable agriculture on family farms.”

TAKE ACTION: Tell Ben & Jerry’s CEO Jostein Solheim (aka Scooper Man): Roundup-Ready Ice Cream is neither ‘natural’ nor ‘socially responsible.’ Go 100% Organic!

Ben & Jerry’s (owned by the multinational corporation Unilever) has done an excellent job of convincing consumers that the company cares about progressive issues. But behind the iconic ice cream brand’s greenwashed façade is an unfortunate truth: The company relies on a #dirtydairy industry that produces contaminated food, poisons Vermont’s waterways, abuses animals, exploits workers, bankrupts farmers and contributes to climate change.

Unless Ben & Jerry's goes organic, its practices are responsible for:

•    Running Vermont family farms out of business.

•     Polluting Vermont’s waterways.

•    Abusing animals.

•    Exploiting farmworkers.

•    Contributing to climate change.

•    Putting human health at risk.

In addition to the above problems, pesticides like Roundup, atrazine and metolachlor—all carcinogens and endocrine disruptors and all used to grow the GMO crops fed to dairy cows—have devastating effects on human health. And some of them are in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.

It’s time for Ben & Jerry’s to come clean. The only way to do that is to transition to a 100% organic supply chain.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Ben & Jerry’s CEO Jostein Solheim (aka Scooper Man): Roundup-Ready Ice Cream is neither ‘natural’ nor ‘socially responsible.’ Go 100% Organic!

Participating Organizations:

Beyond Pesticides
Daily Kos
Food Revolution Network
Friends of the Earth
Label GMOs
Mom's Across America
Organic Consumers Association
Sponsored by

To: Ben & Jerry’s CEO Jostein Solheim (aka Scooper Man)
From: [Your Name]

Dear Mr. Solheim,

It’s time for Ben & Jerry’s to stop deceiving consumers and to go organic.

The myth of Vermont’s happy cows and bucolic farms has been busted. The fact is, Vermont’s dairy industry is poisoning the environment, causing unnecessary pain and suffering for dairy cows, hurting human health, exploiting farmworkers and bankrupting Vermont’s dairy farmers.

It’s great that Ben & Jerry’s ice cream doesn’t use GMO ingredients. But who are you kidding? Vermont fields are awash in dangerous chemicals used to grow acres and acres of GMO animal feed -- and those chemicals have been found in your ice cream.

If the iconic Ben & Jerry’s brand were to go 100-percent organic, you could lead the nation in transitioning to an agricultural model that improves human, animal and soil health, combats climate change, provides a fair living to farmers and grows the market for organics.

It’s time to stop supporting Monsanto and the makers of glyphosate, atrazine and other chemicals. The only way to do that is to transition to a 100% organic supply chain.

Thank you.