Tell Etsy To Stop Exploiting The Irish Tax-Haven Loophole

Chad Dickerson, CEO, President, and Chairman.

Etsy claims to be a company that promotes “global business practices that are sustainable, responsible and profitable.” Why is it taking advantage of secretive tax-haven laws in Ireland that would allow it to dodge paying its fair share of taxes?

Etsy is registered as a Certified Benefit Corporation by a nonprofit that “measures companies on the treatment of their workers, the benefit they provide to the community and the environment, and their overall governance and transparency.” Etsy has recently registered a subsidiary in Ireland as an unlimited liability company, which allows it to conceal the shifting of profits into Ireland – a tax haven – from around the world because it no longer has to disclose basic financial information about the profits of and taxes paid by that subsidiary.

Tell Etsy to live up to its professed values and stop exploiting the Irish tax-haven loophole.

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To: Chad Dickerson, CEO, President, and Chairman.
From: [Your Name]

Live up to your values and stop exploiting international tax loopholes by establishing an unlimited liability subsidiary in Ireland. If Etsy is really trying to be "mindful, transparent, and humane," it must pay its fair share of taxes at home.