Tell FERC: Times up on the MVP!
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is years behind schedule, drowning in debt, and has no clear path to getting the permits it needs, let alone being built. But that didn't stop them from going back to FERC and asking for more time.
The MVP is a 303 mile long fracked gas pipeline that Equitrans plans to build from Wetzel County, West Virginia, to Pittsylvania County, Virginia. Along the way it would cross the Appalachian trail, more than 1000 rivers and streams, and require clear-cutting wide tracks of the Appalachian mountains.
You can help us stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline by signing this petition demanding that FERC deny Equitrans the certification extension!
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the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
[Your Name]
RE Docket CP16-10-000
We demand that FERC deny Equitrans’s request for a two-year certification extension on the Mountain Valley Pipeline. In the last three years Equitrans and the MVP have proven their incompetence in following regulatory protocols. To name only a few:
-The Mountain Valley Pipeline has been denied permits by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Park Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Public health and environmental concerns surround the MVP's pipeline coating (3M Scotchkote Fusion Bonded Epoxy 6233) being a carcinogen when exposed to prolonged sunlight. FERC requested further study after the Atlantic Coast pipeline submitted findings with questionable methodologies. EQT likewise must perform adequate study and report its findings to FERC.
- The MVP has failed to obtain permits that would allow construction to cross the more than 1,000 water crossings along their route. EQT has proven they cannot be trusted to handle erosion control on worksites and the right of way. There are no viable plans for the numerous compressor stations that would be required for a pipeline of this length.
-The Southgate Extension to the MVP was denied by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. NCDEQ expressed well-founded skepticism that the mainline MVP was going to be completed, and further found that the pipeline would have undue impact on water quality, was not necessary, and that did not fit within North Carolina’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.
-Thus far Mountain Valley has committed over 300 violations of erosion and sediment control regulations in Virginia.
On behalf of our communities, climate and public health, we call on FERC to reject this extension and stop the MVP once and for all.