Harvard just caved to pressure from the CIA and disinvited Chelsea Manning

Target: Douglas W. Elmendorf, Dean of Harvard Kennedy School

In the middle of the night on September 14, Harvard University abruptly rescinded its invitation to human rights advocate Chelsea Manning, who was scheduled to be a visiting fellow teaching politics starting next year. The move comes after disturbing pressure from government intelligence agencies, with the former acting director of the CIA resigning his post at the school, and current director Mike Pompeo canceling a scheduled talk.

The CIA should not be able to dictate what can and cannot be taught at an American university. Harvard's decision to give Chelsea Manning the boot puts them on the wrong side of history, and undermines freedom of expression and exchange of ideas on campus.

Harvard's Dean claims that Chelsea Manning does not uphold the school's "values of public service." But the school has no problem hosting warmongers and torture apologists. It’s hard to stomach the irony of an institution whose motto means “truth” disinviting someone who risked everything for it.

Please sign the petition demanding that Harvard stand up to chilling pressure from the CIA and reverse its decision to kick Chelsea Manning off campus.

Petition text: "Chelsea Manning is a brilliant and important voice in modern politics. She deserves a position at Harvard Kennedy School. Caving to chilling pressure from US Intelligence Agencies is directly contradictory with Harvard's values and undermines freedom of expression and exchange of ideas on campus. Harvard should immediately reinstate Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow."

Petition by
Boston, Massachusetts
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To: Douglas W. Elmendorf, Dean of Harvard Kennedy School
From: [Your Name]

Chelsea Manning is a brilliant and important voice in modern politics. She deserves a position at Harvard Kennedy School. Caving to chilling pressure from US Intelligence Agencies is directly contradictory with Harvard's values and undermines freedom of expression and exchange of ideas on campus. Harvard should immediately reinstate Chelsea Manning as a visiting fellow.

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