Tell the DNC: Keep Fossil Fuel Money Out!
DNC Chairman Tom Perez

The DNC just reversed course on banning donations from fossil fuel companies, turning its back on more than 950 candidates nationwide that our community recruited to sign the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge.
DNC executives are keeping quiet about the Friday night vote—they know taking Big Oil money isn’t a good look for the Party—but resistance from DNC membership is growing and the press is beginning to take notice.
By ringing the alarm now, we can hold the DNC accountable to its stated values, and force a new vote during the DNC’s Summer Meeting in Chicago in two weeks.
Sign the petition to demand that the DNC reject all contributions from fossil fuel executives, lobbyists, front-groups, and PACs.
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DNC Chairman Tom Perez
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The DNC should follow the leadership of over 950 candidates and politicians from across the country who have pledged to reject ALL contributions from oil, gas, and coal companies. It’s long past time for our politicians and political candidates to protect the health of our families, our climate, and our democracy over fossil fuel industry profits.