Tell the Trump Administration and Biden Campaign to prioritize Tahlequah, her new calf, and fellow pod members

Brigadier General D. Peter Helmlinger, Commander of the Northwest Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & Stef Feldman, Policy Director, Joe Biden for President.

Image credit NOAA

Tahlequah, a member of the Southern Resident orcas, recently made international headlines when she gave birth to a healthy calf. Another new calf was born just days later, which brings the current endangered population of Southern Residents to just 74. But the new calves have only about a 50% chance of making it past their first year. The plight of these orcas are followed closely around the country, making their future a national issue that we need the next administration to address quickly.

To: Brigadier General D. Peter Helmlinger, Commander of the Northwest Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers & Stef Feldman, Policy Director, Joe Biden for President.
From: [Your Name]

I am writing to ask that you make preventing the extinction of the Southern Resident Orcas a top priority in the coming months by restoring the lower Snake River and their main food source, Chinook salmon.

Tahlequah, a member of the Southern Resident Orcas, recently made international headlines when she gave birth to a healthy calf. Another new calf was born just days later, which brings the current endangered population of Southern Residents to just 74. The new calves have only about a 50% chance of making it past their first year, but you can help increase their odds of survival. The plight of these orcas are followed closely around the country, making it a national issue that I need you to address.

The Southern Resident Orcas eat mainly Chinook salmon, but salmon have declined rapidly across the Pacific Northwest. The lower Snake River has historically produced half of the Chinook salmon in the Columbia Basin, which is one of the most important food producers for Southern Resident Orcas. That means restoring the lower Snake River is our best chance to increase salmon numbers and save the Southern Resident Orcas. To restore the lower Snake River four dams need to be breached. I am calling on you to become a champion for these orcas by making the restoration of the lower Snake River a top priority in the coming months.

The Southern Resident Orcas are adored by people all over the world. They and the salmon they rely on are part of the Northwest culture, economy, and ecology. But just 74 of them remain in the wild and they are doomed for extinction if action isn’t taken quickly. I hope that you will be an orca champion and swiftly act to save this unique population of beautiful mammals.

Thank you for your time,