Think Twice - Save Lives
Gov. Brian Kemp and the State of Georgia
This week, the Governor of Georgia announced that he will not be extending the shelter in place, and he has decided to reopen non-essential businesses. According to the Governor, gyms, salons, tattoo shops and others will be allowed to reopen Friday while restaurants and theaters may reopen next Monday. During this announcement, the Governor failed to mention the mandatory safety measures these businesses must take for the safety of Georgians.
Earlier this month, the Governor announced a Caronavirus Outreach Committee, a committee comprised of talented individuals from the public and private sectors. However, the Governer ignore the committee's recommendations and failed to inform them of his plans to re-open non-essential businesses.
That is why we are asking you to sign our petition and ask the Governor to:
- Develop mandatory safety measures businesses must follow to protect the citizens of Georgia.
- Commit to providing filtered masks and other disinfectant materials to small businesses to ensure they have the proper materials needed to keep their customers and workers safe (we are aware there is a shortage of these items).
- Announce businesses must comply with social distancing measures.
Gov. Brian Kemp and the State of Georgia
[Your Name]
Dear Gov. Kemp,
As a citizen of Georgia, I am asking you to the shelter in place to keep Georgians safe. We believe if the state refuses to extend the shelter in place, then you should announce mandatory safety measures businesses in Georgia must follow to protect the citizens of Georgia. While also committing to providing filtered masks and other disinfectant materials to small businesses to ensure they have the proper materials needed to keep their customers and workers safe (we are aware there is a shortage of these items). Lastly, we believe the aforementioned safety measures should be enforced and all businesses should continue to comply with social distancing measures.