Town of Oyster Bay: Fix Our Roads!

Town of Oyster Bay Town Board

Dear Town of Oyster Bay Residents,

The current Town of Oyster Bay Government isn't going to fix the roads.
They have NO plan and NO money!

The Town Oyster Bay has continuously raised our taxes, increased our debt, destroyed our credit, and are now swapping out elected officials at an alarming rate (over 40% of the board is un-elected!) - this sort of behavior is unacceptable!

It seems like our officials are more concerned about signage and photo ops than providing essential services and improvements, and we want to change that!

Please sign and share the petition demanding the Town of Oyster Bay do their jobs and fix our roads
Petition by
Marc Herman
Oyster Bay Town of, New York

To: Town of Oyster Bay Town Board
From: [Your Name]

As residents of the Town, we are appalled by the current conditions of our roads, and Town's inability to fix them.

Our roads are in dire need of repair. Potholes are causing damage to our cars while our council does nothing, this is unacceptable!

Most alarming of all is that the Town has no long term plans to address our infrastructure needs.

The Town's Budget has NO Capital budget plan, an unreadable operating budget, and a Junk Bond Credit Rating. All of these add up to suggest that there will be no major road investments in the foreseeable future.

Sign our petition demanding the Town fixes our roads immediately!