Toxic Air Pollution in Niagara Falls

Lisa Garcia, Administrator for EPA Region 2

THE PROBLEM: In September 2024, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) made a map of the community around the Goodyear plant on 56th Street in Niagara Falls showing a cloud of toxic chemical emissions. (See other side.)

  • The chemical – Ortho toluidine or OT - causes bladder cancer. Since 1989, studies have found a significant number of cases of bladder cancer among the workers at Goodyear.  
  • DEC and DOH have violated the public’s trust. They have not informed the community of the illegal toxic pollution. They have not enforced the law. They have not protected the health of community residents.

THE SOLUTION: The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has the legal power to issue a Clean Air Act Emergency Order (Section 303 of CAA) to immediately require Goodyear to reduce its toxic emissions.

  • Don’t Waste New York, a statewide community support group, sent EPA a request to issue an Emergency Order on November 27, 2024.
  • Emergency Orders can be issued when a pollution problem poses an “imminent and substantial endangerment to the public health.”
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To: Lisa Garcia, Administrator for EPA Region 2
From: [Your Name]

Please protect my health and the health of my community. We urge you to issue a Clean Air Act 303 Emergency Order requiring Goodyear to immediately reduce their toxic air pollution to meet the state guidelines with a new state permit.