Utah Senators: Hold a Healthcare Town Hall

Senator Mike Lee and Senator Orrin Hatch

Let Senator Lee and Senator Hatch know how important it is that they take the time to speak to Utahns before returning to DC after the July recess. Feel free to include a personal healthcare message in the comments!

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To: Senator Mike Lee and Senator Orrin Hatch
From: [Your Name]

Dear Senator Mike Lee and Senator Orrin Hatch,

We, the undersigned residents and voters of Utah, are writing to formally requesting a town hall-style meeting with you during the July 2017 U.S. Senate recess of July 1-9. We ask that this meeting be focused specifically on healthcare legislation, and the ways that we as Utahns can come together to create solutions that work for all of us. With respect to your positions of strong influence in the U.S. Senate, we hope you will take the time to hear from us directly in an open setting, one available to the public.

As stake holders, patient advocate, and your constituents, we deserve a seat at the decision making table. If you are confident that whatever legislative decisions you are making will be good for Utah, then show us. Allow us the time and space to provide our feedback and engage in a dialogue.

The people of this nation, particularly those of us who are chronically ill, disabled, elderly, or otherwise dependent on healthcare, have the most to gain or lose from the work done to improve the Better Care Reconciliation Act. It is our hope, as your voters, that we will be afforded the opportunity to speak with you in person to directly relay our experiences with healthcare and our hopes for the future.

Please understand that this letter comes as a bipartisan request with no ulterior political agenda. We would simply like the opportunity for a dialogue with our elected representatives, and with the healthcare bill looming on the horizon upon the end of July recess, we would like to focus on that topic specifically.

This letter was made public on Tuesday, June 27th, and closed on Thursday, June 29th for delivery. This quick turnaround time is out of respect for your schedules, and we ask that your offices provide a response on Friday, June 30th.

If you are unable to schedule a town hall, we would appreciate an explanation behind that decision, and reserve the right to schedule our own event which we will invite you to attend.

Please keep in mind that the below signatures do not represent the entirety of constituents who would like a town hall, but simply the number we were able to gather in just two days. It is our hope that you will put the interests of your citizens at the top of your priority list, and take the time to meet with us, however briefly, during the upcoming recess.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

People of Utah