Will You Stand With Us for Safety and Hero Pay?

Rodney McMullen, CEO, Kroger

We wanted to let our customers and community know: As grocery store workers, we are proud of the work we do every day to get people the food and supplies they need. But our jobs have become more demanding, dangerous, and stressful during the COVID-19 pandemic. The gradual re-opening of our communities has accelerated our experience.  

We are exposed to hundreds of thousands of people each week, which means an elevated risk of bringing COVID-19 home to our loved ones. We need the executives at The Kroger Company to keep workers and customers safe. We need stricter implementation of customer mask wear. Kroger eliminated $2 Hero Pay and has announced the end to Thank You pay effective June 18, even though the added burdens and risks of working through COVID-19 remain.

Send a message to The Kroger Company that you stand with workers for safe stores and against pay cuts!

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To: Rodney McMullen, CEO, Kroger
From: [Your Name]

I am concerned that you are not doing enough to make stores safe for workers and customers. And I strongly oppose your decision to eliminate Hero Pay/ Thank You Pay for these frontline workers.

Stores function best when the people working there are safe, healthy, and fairly compensated. Working in a grocery store during a global pandemic has made these jobs more demanding and dangerous than ever – and more critical to our community. During and after this pandemic, our community will be looking closely at how grocery stores treat their workers when deciding where to shop.

Please act immediately to improve safety in Kroger stores and reinstate the $2/hour hero bonus for these essential, front-line workers.