Big Oil Resistance Tour: KERN COUNTY

Start: Sunday, May 7, 2023 3:00 PM

End: Sunday, May 7, 2023 5:00 PM

Big Oil bullies are ripping off Californians, polluting our air and water, poisoning our communities, and setting us on a path toward climate destruction.

Oil and gas companies just spent over $20 million to put a lifesaving environmental justice law on hold, the latest in a series of threats to communities in Kern County.

It’s time for the Big Oil Resistance to fight back. Get your tickets today!

Governor Newsom is talking tough on Big Oil and trying to stop them from fleecing us at the gas pump. But, we need him to truly move California beyond fossil fuels once and for all - by ending neighborhood drilling and halting all new fossil fuel permits.

To get the Governor to act, we need to build our movement's power.

That’s why the Last Chance Alliance – representing 900+ community, environmental, and public health organizations worldwide – is hitting the road for a 7-stop statewide tour through..Los Angeles (Apr 28), Ventura (Apr 29), Santa Barbara (Apr 30), San Diego (May 6), Kern County (May 7), Oakland (May 12), and Sacramento (May 13)!

Our Kern County event will feature…
  • Community leaders Nalleli Cobo (People Not Pozos), Cesar Aguirre (CCEJN) from the frontlines of oil and gas extraction

  • Labor and human rights leader, Tefere Gebre, current Chief Program Officer at Greenpeace USA, former SoCal labor leader and Exec VP at AFL-CIO

  • Urgent local organizing opportunities

Doors open at 2 pm, and the event will run from 3 pm-5 pm.

Join us for a dynamic event in Lamont to learn what Governor Newsom must do next to protect our communities and our climate and to join the broad-based movement that we’re building to demand action.

To make this event accessible, we are selling sliding scale tickets to cover event costs and support ongoing organizing. The event is open to all – you can email to request a complimentary ticket, and we'll get you one right away. All tickets get the same seats. Masks will be optional.

Tickets will likely sell out fast - get yours now!

This event is cosponsored by: Last Chance Alliance, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Center on Race, Poverty & the Environment, Sierra Club CA, Voices in Solidarity Against Oil in Neighborhoods (VISION), Oil and Gas Action Network, Greenpeace USA, Center for Biological Diversity, Food & Water Watch, Patagonia, Mothers Out Front, Communities for a Better Environment, California Nurses for Environmental Health and Justice, Oil Change International, and Let’s Green California.