Citizenship question removed from 2020 Census... for now

265 Contributions
Only 135 more until our goal of 400

This is a huge blow to the Trump administration and the GOP’s efforts to turbo-charge gerrymandering. We’ve thrown a major wrench in that plot -- but we’re not home free yet.

We must continue our critical work to fight back and make sure we have a full, fair, and accurate Census that counts everybody. Common Cause is immediately mobilizing -- we must:

  • Make sure the 2020 Census is fully funded, so every community can be accurately counted...

  • Expose any other attempt by Trump administration to intimidate immigrants and communities of color from responding to the Census...

  • AND… remain vigilant to ensure the new election districts drawn afterwards can’t be gerrymandered for partisan and racial gain.

Fresh off this BIG Census win -- we must immediately escalate our grassroots efforts to ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census count. Can you chip in today?
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