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Host Guidelines - Youth Climate Actions

This July's Youth Climate Actions are aimed at not only uplifting frontline youth across the country but to provide all youth across the country with the resources and skills they need to become better climate justice advocates in their own communities. Nobody knows their own community better than you which is why you get to decide the type of action that can be hosted the weekend of July 12th-14th. Below are our guiding principles in which you can use to ensure that your event is intersectional:

As a movement, we believe:
∙ Those who are on the frontlines of any movement should lead that
∙ On the frontlines of climate change is the Global South, People
Of Color, Indigenous Peoples, Youth, People with Disabilities, Poor
People, Women, Queer and Trans People, and People belonging to
marginalized faiths.
∙ In our youth movement to combat climate change, we uplift the
youth voices of these communities.
∙ Youth leadership is transformational and visionary. Youth must
lead because they have always shifted culture towards progress
and collective liberation.
∙ Systems of oppression (capitalism, colonialism, racism, and patriarchy) have led to climate change, therefore we must shift our culture away from these systems.
∙ Intersectional movement-building is the only way we can achieve
collective liberation because working together on intersecting issues will unify communities who wish to join our struggle for a safe
and healthy future for all.
∙ The people must take action rather than waiting for elected officials to lead.
∙ The elected officials must comply with the demands of the youth,
therefore they must pass and enforce legislation and support policies that protect life and our future on this planet.
∙ This is a revolution.
In this movement:
∙ We will be peaceful and non-violent.
∙ We will be humble and learn from each other.
∙ We will extend the hand of friendship.
∙ We will demand that our allies take action in solidarity with us.
Our Guiding Principles
∙ We will work to protect each other.
∙ We will not allow the system to divide us.
∙ We will sow seeds to create a just future.
We affirm that:
∙ Climate change is real.
∙ Indigenous rights must be honored.
∙ Animals are on the frontlines.
∙ Nature is the most powerful force.
∙ Each generation must learn from each other.
∙ Black lives matter.
∙ Queer and trans people must be heard.
∙ Rape culture must be dismantled.
∙ People with disabilities must be included and respected.
∙ Marginalized cultures must be treated with dignity.
∙ Transformative justice is true justice.
