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Host Guidelines - Statewide Events For Alison Hartson 2018

We make organizing an event easy. No experience necessary! You can immediately begin completing the form, or see common questions below. If you need additional help, simply email us@alisonhartson.com.

First, determine the type of event you want to host. Whether you want to phone bank or canvass, we will provide instructions and guides for each.


Q. WHAT should the title of my event be?
-Aim for something that has Alison's name and a description of the type of event. Here are some examples:

“Call Out Corruption Phonebank in [city] for Alison Hartson”
“Alison Hartson 2018 Organizing Meeting in Sacramento, CA”
“Coal City - Canvass for a Better California. Alison Hartson for U.S. Senate”

Q. WHEN should I host my event?
-Whenever is best for you. Every single day matters. Canvassing is best on the weekends and weekday evenings. Phone banks are from 12pm-7pm on weekends and 4-8pm on weekdays.

Q. WHERE should I host my event?
Don't let location stop you from taking action NOW. Every single day matters because June 5th is just around the corner and California is a huge state. We have no time to waste. You can use your home, a park, a coffee shop. Here are some explanations to help you decide:

-Phone Bank: All that's needed for a phone bank is a place with wifi, power, places to sit, and relative quiet: the back room of a coffee shop, local bookstore, your living room, a meeting room on your campus. Everything else is available online on our website and we have amazing events team volunteers who will work with you every step of the way to make sure you get folks there and everything runs smoothly.

-Canvass: Pick a local park to start from, and we will provide the data.

Q. What is a "Goal Slider"?
-This shows people how many volunteers have signed up for your event. It increases motivation for more people to sign up when they see that others are as well.

Q. What is the "Attend Event" box?
-This allows you to customize the fields that your attendees will complete when they RSVP.
-We suggest requiring first name and last name.
-Click the blue button for "Add or edit additional form requests" to add a field for a phone number. If this gets complicated, skip it.
-Check the box for attendees to bring guests.

Q. Who should I invite?
-Everyone you know! Social media friends, real friends, family. If you can't think of anyone, don't sweat it. We will connect you with local supporters that we will email and text to invite them to your event.

Q. What kind of supplies do I need and how do I get them?
-Phone bank: Laptops and phones should be brought from home by every individual. Headphones are encouraged. We will provide guides.
-Canvass: We provide everything–flyers, scripts, and guides. Smart phones are strongly encouraged.

Q. How can I make sure that my event is successful?
-Make fun graphics for advertisements.
-Send several reminders to your RSVPs.
-Take a lot of pictures during the event and post them to build excitement.
-It’s all about attitude! Events are will always fun when we’re organizing the revolution together.

The shorter and more descriptive, the better.
Virtual events do not require a location, but virtual events with a location will appear on the event campaign map. (Those without a location will appear in search results only.) At least a ZIP/postal code is required for map placement for virtual events.
Select the timezone in which your event will take place.
Add Banner Image (optional)

Upload an image or banner below. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide.

This is shown to people before they RSVP. Let them know what the event will be like and why they should attend.