Call Congress: No Dirty Debt Ceiling Deal!

June 1 update - Last night the House passed the dirty debt ceiling deal with no amendments. About 100 Democrats voted against the "no amendments" rule before they voted for the dirty deal, which is the most, and depressingly inadequate, good news I can give you about the vote. The better news is that the bill now moves to the Senate, which is a much more open and welcoming venue for amendments. Several Senators have already said they will offer amendments, like Tim Kaine. And a few, like Bernie Sanders, have said they won't vote for the debt ceiling deal unless it gets less dirty. So, keep calling! Check out the post in our blog for more info and more actions you can take. Or click here to chip in and keep these calls free for everyone.

Call your Senators and ask them to clean up the dirty debt ceiling deal!

We're bringing back our famously effective, and free, tool from last year's campaign that killed Manchin's zombie dirty deal not once, twice, or three, but four times.

Phone calls are dramatically more persuasive  than petition signatures or emails, and these calls zero in on what we know is the weakest part of Manchin's dirty permitting reform deal: the attempt to fast track the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP). Fill out the form on the right with your phone number, and our free calling tool will call you back, give you some key talking points for Republican or Democratic legislators, and then connect you right to your Senators' offices.

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