Call your Assemblymember to support AI safety

The Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, or SB 1047, is widely supported by Californians, but Big Tech with their industry lobbyists have all come out swinging against it.

Despite Big Tech’s deep pockets, so far the AI safety advocates fighting for the bill have been able to get past hurdles, including a vote last week out of an Assembly committee. But now, they need your help.

Your assemblymember needs to know that constituents like you support AI safety and regulation before it comes up for a floor vote in the next two weeks

Here is a brief script for your call:
Hello, I am a constituent in your district. I am calling to voice my support for SB 1047, Senator Wiener’s legislation to ensure safe and secure AI innovation in California. Responsible development of AI is very important, and I urge [ASSEMBLYMEMBER] to vote in favor of SB 1047. Thank you!

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