Cleaner Heat, Lower Bills: Help Pass the NY HEAT Act!

Rally photo with a banner that reads "Pass the NY HEAT Act: Cleaner Heat, Lower Bills"
The NY Home Energy Affordable Transition (HEAT) Act is a bill that fights climate change, slashes pollution from buildings, and lowers utility bills for energy-burdened households.

Every gas utility in the state is raising our rates to build new gas infrastructure, and ratepayers (that's all of us) are paying the price. The NY HEAT Act will put a stop to gas utilities forcing us to subsidize expensive and dangerous infrastructure that threatens our health, wallets, and future, and usher in an era of cutting-edge thermal energy networks that keep whole neighborhoods cozy in winter and summer - without heating up the planet. The NY HEAT Act would also cap our utility bills at 6% of household income, so that everyone can afford to keep the heat and lights on.

Instructions: To get started, click the green "Make a Call" button to the right (or at the bottom of your screen if you're on your phone). Your phone will ring, and when you pick it up, you'll hear a brief script with talking points before being connected with your Assemblymember's office (if they're a Republican, they will be skipped automatically). Then, please read the suggested call script below, which will also be shown on the next page. Then, stay on the line and press * to also be connected with Governor Hochul's office.

Suggested Phone Script for Legislators:
"Hello, I'm calling as a constituent of [Legislator's Name] to express my support for the NY HEAT Act, bill number A4592B/S2016B. I'm asking that [Legislator's Name] work to ensure the NY HEAT act gets into the New York State budget this year for cleaner heat and lower utility bills. Thank you."
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